It has been decided to introduce LIC’s JEEVAN AROGYA (Plan No. 903) with effect from 2011. The Unique Identification Number (UIN) for LIC’s Jeevan Arogya Plan is 512N266V01. This number has to be quoted in all relevant documents furnished to the policyholders and other users (public, distribution channels).
An individual can take the health cover under this plan for himself / herself. This individual will be addressed as Principal Insured (PI) for the purpose of insurance under this plan. The Spouse, Children, Parents and Parents-in-law can also be covered under the same policy.This is non-linked health plan which provides fixed benefits for hospitalization and almost all types of surgical procedures irrespective of actual cost incurred and the benefit is in addition to any other health insurance cover that insured lives may have, subject to certain terms and conditions.
The benefits offered under the plan are:
An individual can take the health cover under this plan for himself / herself. This individual will be addressed as Principal Insured (PI) for the purpose of insurance under this plan. The Spouse, Children, Parents and Parents-in-law can also be covered under the same policy.This is non-linked health plan which provides fixed benefits for hospitalization and almost all types of surgical procedures irrespective of actual cost incurred and the benefit is in addition to any other health insurance cover that insured lives may have, subject to certain terms and conditions.
The benefits offered under the plan are:
i) Hospital Cash Benefit (HCB)
ii) Major Surgical Benefit (MSB)
iii) Day Care Procedure Benefit (DCPB)
iv) Other Surgical Benefit (OSB)
Two riders viz. Term Assurance Rider and Accident Benefit Rider shall also be available under the plan for PI and Insured Spouse only. At the time of filling up the proposal form, PI and Spouse (if insured) have to exercise an option whether to continue the policy in case of exit of PI from the policy, as per Annexure C enclosed with the proposal form. If option for continuation of policy is exercised, in case of death or expiry of cover of PI, the surviving Insured Spouse will become the Principal Insured and the Policy will continue. In such case, the premium for the Insured Spouse will change from the coinciding or following instalment premium due date and the new premium would be based on tabular premium rates applicable for PIs and the age for alculation of revised premium rate will be the age at entry of the spouse.
For More Information Visit us : Life Insurance Policy Chennai
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